🎉 [Take the Quiz] How Toxic Is My Marriage? 🎉
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Voices of Celebration: My anger and resentment was transformed into an expansive love of myself and my new life!

Judy was married for 12 years before she decided to file divorce. After several attempts at couple's therapy, things were still not getting better. And at that point, Judy's health was starting to decline due to the stress her marriage was causing. 

To stay healhty for her kids, she chose to file for divorce. Judy shares her financial fears and acceptance through her divorce journey. In 25 years of her career, she had built her retirement and paid off her house and all debt. But when she met with her divorce attorney and saw the numbers she would be paying for alimony and child support, the financial fear hit again and Judy went back down a rabbit hole of desperation. 

Listen to her journey as her anger and resentment was transformed into an expansive love of herself and her new life! 

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