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Seeing Light at the End of the Divorce Tunnel

Guest Post By Larry Bailey 

In the beginning of divorce there was darkness. It began to lift in the many hours, days, and months I invested in inventorying my experiences during our marriage,  owning my mistakes, and learning to honestly acknowledge my emotions so I could process the past. 

My investment of time and energy allowed me to heal and see new and more rewarding ways to live ‘Act ll’ of my life. 

I am the owner and manager of an organic farm. Long term planning goes with the territory of farming, as does the ups and downs of Mother Nature. I know growth is not necessarily linear and “bad years” are opportunities to innovate efficiencies.  It was like the first part of a sunrise when I began to put the lessons farming has taught me towards my divorce recovery. 

Once I saw my divorce “problems” as opportunities I began to shift. It helped when a friend advised me to explore the creative (right) side of my brain for greater balance. 

I have zero talent for painting and sculpture yet I do have some French culinary training.  I now produce four large farm-to-table catering events annually. I find joy in wowing customers with my creations, pleasure in nurturing strangers, and appreciation for the extra income the catering business provides. 

The business also enlarges my social community, something greatly instrumental in lifting me out of isolation. While there were people who moved away from me as a result of the divorce now there are healthier new people moving toward me. 

All of this helped me to see promise and opportunity in this next chapter of life. I know to anticipate the inevitable ups and downs of being now.  I call upon my faith to husband me through the hard times and the lessons I’ve learned to navigate with increased wisdom. 

Whether as an act of faith or a reasoned conclusion based on a lifetime of blessings disguised in challenges, I see promise in this next chapter of life. You will too. This will be a sure sign that recovery is well under way.

Look for ways to “do the inner work” so you can begin to see a brighter tomorrow sooner than later. You’ll be one step more prepared, and certainly more interesting if/when you choose to begin mingling again. 

If you are not sure where to even start with "the inner work" reach out to us and schedule a FREE Rapid Relief Coaching Call.  Working with us could make the difference you are looking for.


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