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Healing from the Pain of Infidelity

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 24, 2019


The awareness that your spouse has cheated on you can send you reeling into a tailspin of shock, devastation, heartache, and disbelief. The...

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Navigating Divorce: What to Expect Step by Step

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 18, 2019

The divorce process doesn't come with a "how-to" manual, and there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach. Here are 7 steps to help make it more...

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12 Steps to Emotional Recovery from Divorce

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 09, 2019


Journey Beyond Divorce relaunches its premier show 12 Step Divorce Recovery Series introducing the best way to move from pain and chaos...

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It’s Not Fair!! How to accept our changing circumstances

By JBD Team | Tags - Jul 15, 2019

How do we accept circumstances that have turned our world upside down, ended our dreams, left us living a life we did not plan on and DO NOT...

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Mind Chatter – Joy’s Thief

By JBD Team | Tags - Jul 15, 2019

What causes us to lose our peace and joy?

Financial instability.  Complicated health issues.  Sudden unexpected loss…of a loved...

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Study Finds that Child Support Rates Can Vary $700+ Among States | Guest Post by Custody Xchange

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 12, 2019

Study finds inconsistency in child support rates among states

A typical parent's payment can vary by over $700 a month from state to state

The size...

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Divorce Happens. What Now?

By JBD Team | Tags - May 14, 2019

Marriages fail.  Some individuals choose divorce and take a chance on living differently with the dream of being happier and more fulfilled....

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How to Prepare for Divorce? | 5 Tips to Get You Safely Prepared and Ready for this Turbulent Time

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 16, 2019

The painful choice to pursue a divorce often feels like no choice at all. It can seem like you either pursue this harrowing path or lose what...

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Is your emotional toolbox empty?

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 10, 2019

When struggling with the difficult emotions that come with divorce, having an easily accessible emotional toolbox to grab when we are in crisis is...

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